About Me
Currently, I am a postdoc in the group of Dániel Marx at CISPA in Saarbrücken, Germany.
I am a researcher in theoretical computer science, where my main work is in graph algorithms at the intersection of parameterized complexity and counting complexity.
I received my DPhil (PhD) in Computer Science from the University of Oxford in November 2020, where I was very fortunate to be supervised by Leslie Ann Goldberg and Standa Živný. Previously, I received an M.Sc. and a B.Sc. in Mathematics from TU Berlin and TU Dresden, respectively.
Some keywords that fit the scope of my research: Graph Theory, Computational Counting Problems, Parameterized Algorithms and Complexity, Graph Homomorphisms, Multivariate Complexity.
I love to hike, boulder, climb, run, backpack, kayak, ski, and be out in nature in general. There is a lot of music that I passionately listen to, and you can always tempt me with a board game evening with friends.
08/2024 | TALG paper about approximately counting answers to conjunctive queries (with some extensions, like disequalities), and how tractability relates to the decision problem, to treewidth, and even to fractional hypertreewidth. With Leslie Goldberg, Marc Roth and Standa Živný. |
06/2024 | Two papers accepted for ESA: One about tight complexity classifications for List Homomorphism Deletion problems; and the other investigating problems that form a common generalization of both classical hitting and packing problems. |
04/2024 | ICALP accept for our paper on the real source of hardness of fundamental problems on bounded-treewidth graphs. I will present it in Estonia in July. |
03/2024 | SICOMP paper on counting induced subgraphs together with Marc Roth! |
03/2024 | PODS accept for our paper on counting answers to unions of conjunctive queries. I will present it in Chile in June. |
02/2024 | SoCG accept for our paper on Multicut problems in embedded graphs. Florian Hörsch will present it in Athens. We are also happy that this work was invited for the special issue of DCG. |
03/2024 | New website! ;) |
02/2024 | Glad to be on the program committee for IPEC 2024, chaired by Édouard Bonnet and Pawel Rzążewski. This means loads of reviewing in July... |
01/2024 | TALG paper about counting list homomorphisms on graphs with bounded treewidth together with Dániel Marx and Pawel Rzążewski. |
Academic Service
Program committee member for IPEC 2024.
Lecturer for the Advanced Course Techniques for Counting Problems
(co-organized with Philip Wellnitz).
I reviewed manuscripts for STACS2025, SODA2025, IPEC2024 (PC), ESA2024, WG2024, ICALP2024, STOC2024, SODA2024, ESA2023, WG2023, ICALP2023, STOC2023, SODA2023, SICOMP2023, IPL2023, STOC2022, MFCS2022, TCS2022, Inf&Comp2022, STACS2021, ICALP2021, DM2021, TCS2021, STACS2020, SODA2020, ITCS2020, TCS2020, STACS2019.
Room 3.02
Kaiserstraße 21
66386 St. Ingbert